
9 All-Natural Home Cleaning Products

Cleaning products often contain a cocktail of chemicals which are potentially hazardous to our health. Common ingredients such as perchloroethylene, triclosan, ammonia, sodium hydroxide and chloride, have been linked to asthma, cancer, reproductive disorders and hormone disruption. These cleaners are also very environmentally unfriendly and if they find their way through drains into the natural…

The history of fly screens.

Fly screens, insect screen or bug screen are designed as the first line of defence against germ carrying insects entering our homes.  So who was the bright spark that came up with the idea of using a textile with a weave small enough that would stop small insects such as flies and mosquitoes, yet open enough allow ventilation? The…

Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2015.

As 2014 draws to an end, on behalf of the team at Artilux, I would like to wish our customers and suppliers all the very best for 2015. It has been another big year of change in our business and the staff in admin, production and sales/installation have taken to their roles with care and…