7 Modern Interior Design Trends For Your Next Renovation

7 Modern Interior Design Trends For Your 2024 Renovation

Interior design is an expression of many different things all at once. From highlighting individual style choices and showcasing personality to being an expression of the current times, there is a lot expected of interior design. 

Perhaps one of the most important roles of interior design is keeping a home current. Rather than having to move every few years to enjoy a house that is modern and on-trend, interior design can be used as another tool in the home renovation toolkit.

By simply applying a new coat of paint in the living areas, laying down a new rug, or installing retractable fly screens to achieve seamless indoor/outdoor living, all of a sudden your home becomes new again. 

The evolution of interior design trends 

One of the great things about interior design is that it is never static. Trends come and go and this is often in response to external conditions such as wars or pandemics. At the end of the day, what always remains is an avenue to infuse homes with a sense of timeliness. 

In the 1920s rich colours and bold silhouettes – the art deco era – were present in many houses. However, by the 1930s, minimalism was a necessity due to World War II. Go forward in time to 1980 and interior design trends were characterised by what is known as maximalism. 

Fast forward to the 2000s when open floor plans were the trend, the 2010s when smart homes were the norm, and the 2020s when the ideas of comfort and versatility inform interior design choices from the colour of the walls to the buying of multifunctional furniture pieces. 

As such, at the heart of interior design is a relationship with society. When society changes, interior design changes. This way, your home can perfectly complement your lifestyle and your aesthetic preferences. 

Key interior design trends for 2024

The relationship between design trends and societal changes means that next year homes will continue to embrace elements of modernisation. However, this won’t be achieved through traditional means such as a grey colour palette. Instead, modern concepts such as sustainability and smart technology will be at the fore.

  1. Colour palette and schemes

As more distance is placed between the present and the pandemic, colour palettes are beginning to shift away from nature-inspired choices such as different shades of green. Instead, warmer colours are on the rise. Think yellows, reddy browns, and pale blue to foster feelings of positivity and nurturing. 

  1. Furniture and layout

Minimalism and functionality will be at the forefront of interior design trends for furniture. Rather than investing in pieces with one purpose, items will be multifaceted to ensure that every piece of furniture in the home works towards maximising space and function. The home layout and clearly designed work and living zones will only help achieve this goal. 

  1. Sustainable design

Many different industries are making efforts to embrace the notion of sustainability and interior design is no different. From furniture that has been made using recycled materials to energy-efficient light fixtures, there are many different ways to infuse interior design with elements of sustainability. 

  1. Technology integration

Another key interior design trend will be how homes integrate technology with everyday living. Whether using apps to regulate temperature or remotely turning off lights, technology will play a key role in elevating convenience and infusing the home with an undoubtedly modern feel. 

  1. Mixing tradition with modernity

While modernity is seen in many popular interior design trends, some classic elements simply never go out of style. This is why there will be a lot of homes that blend classic elements with contemporary trends such as 1970s wicker furniture with cool blue painted on the walls. 

  1. The role of natural elements

A recent interior design trend that has staying power is the idea of embracing natural elements. Biophilic design principles in interior design incorporate the human tendency to seek out nature through the use of natural materials textures, indoor plants, and natural light. 

  1. Personalisation and customisation

Due to recent world events, the home is now, more than ever before, seen as a haven. As such, an interior design trend is to infuse homes with elements of your personality. This can be achieved by creating a feature wall to showcase your personality. However, you always want to be sure that elements of personalization do not hinder resale value in the long run.

Budget-friendly design tips

Constantly renovating a home to ensure that the interior design stays on trend can be both time-consuming and costly. With this in mind, rather than focusing on the entire home, think about additions or improvements that will infuse the space with the notion of luxury, improve functionality, and increase resale value.

For example, you might look for ways to infuse spaces with natural light. You can do so by designing extra windows that work to let the light flow. Or, to optimise what you have, you may look at changing your window dressings to varieties that let light in and better match the design brief for today’s interior design trends. 

Another small design tip you can utilise is embracing the notion of a fresh coat of paint. Whether painting a feature wall, an entire room, or your kitchen cabinets, the space will feel brand new. Best of all, by maintaining your paint job, you can ensure that your colour palette remains on-trend. 

The importance of professional guidance

When looking to renovate, there are some tasks that can be DIY, but there are other tasks that should always be tackled by professionals. This way, you can ensure that elements of compliance, safety, and functionality are properly accounted for. 

With this in mind, it’s important to leave electrical, structural, and plumbing work to the professionals. Another task you can leave to the professionals is installing retractable fly screens. 

During the design phase, with Artilux, you can be as involved as you like. This means choosing the exact colour you would like your screen’s frames to be and how the design complements your home’s liveability. However, installation should always be left to a professional. 

Renovating your home in 2024

Interior design, much like most things in life, is guided by trends. Some trends may be timeless while others are more cyclical in nature. However, each trend is always informed by the broader changes in society.

To stay up to date with the latest trends there are both small and large renovations that homeowners can embark on. However, at the core of all decision-making should be embracing trends that improve liveability, functionality, and aesthetics. 

With a wealth of professional renovation projects to choose from, now is the perfect time to start planning your 2024 home renovations.

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