Matching and Contrasting: How to Choose the Perfect Fly Screen Colour for Your Home

Artilux is an intimate family business. For more than 30 years we’ve been ensuring every customer gets the highest level of personalised service, and this includes offering over 50 standard frame colours for our superior range of high-quality retractable and pleated insect screens. We believe that the colour of your frames is fundamental for blending in with your home, and that colour choice should be part of our service, with no extra charge to you. However, for those seeking an even broader spectrum, we also offer an additional 200+ Premium Colours, though these come at an associated cost.

At Artilux, our goal has always been to ensure you can live more comfortably and enjoy the full potential of your living spaces. We want you to welcome the fresh air in, while keeping the pests, pollen, and other unwanted things out of your home. We want your screens to be highly functional and effective at their job, but also beautiful, complementing your home’s design. 

Why colour matters in fly screen selection

Colour is one of the most fundamental and influential aspects of home design. It’s a major factor in determining the success or failure of a decorative theme and can unify furnishings and finishes to produce a cohesive and pleasing aesthetic. Colour can be used to change a room’s apparent size or proportions, visually lower high ceilings or raise lower ones, and evoke a particular ambience and mood. You might not think colour matters regarding fly screen selection, but it does. 

Doors, windows, and fly screen frames need to be the same. Consistency is the key, unless you want to make a bold statement. Our colours match the powder coating of most windows and doors. The blend seamlessly with your home decor adding an elegant touch to interiors, and an instant curb appeal as part of your exteriors. Remember, windows, doors, and frames must look great from both perspectives. 

Functionality beyond looks

Artilux’s unique retractable and pleated screen systems work via a simple, yet ingenious mechanism: a roll of mesh similar to a roller blind, but instead is spring loaded. We offer various screen mesh types, each offering unique benefits, including light-weight flexibility and durability. At Artilux, our fly screens are designed to be a neat and tidy fit within the reveal of your opening, with the mesh rolling out of a cassette that’s discreet and hidden from view. They are designed to discreetly blend into your living areas, maximise airflow and light, and provide seamless indoor-outdoor integration. Without colour matching, some of these features can be lost. 

The unique advantages of Artilux’s vast colour range

Powder coating aluminium in Australia is expensive compared to buying aluminum extrusion that’s already powder coated. That’s why most fly screen providers offer just three to four standard colours, and then charge an additional fee for any colour outside their standard colour range. 

At Artilux, our commitment to providing you over 100 colour choices at no extra charge is our unique selling point. It’s all part of our approach to provide you with the highest level of personalised service. Our extensive colour range makes us different from every other fly screen provider in the market, and it’s a unique selling proposition we are extremely proud of. 

“While sleek and stylish design are inherent in our products, we take it a step further by offering an unrivalled range of powder coating colours,” said Jorge Henao, owner of Artilux Retractable Fly Screens. “Imagine not having to choose from just three or four, but over 100 standard colours, all without any additional charge. Our main objective is to make Artilux screens blend into your home like if they were part of its original architecture.”

To ensure you choose the right colour and product for your project, Artilux will help you every step of the way. Long term performance of your colour choice is enhanced by specification of preparation, and when you combine this with regular care and maintenance of your powder coated surface, you can rest assured you’ll have beautiful and functional screens for years to come. Download our handy maintenance guide to ensure you protect your product well. 

Choosing the perfect fly screen colour 

As a homeowner looking to install retractable or pleated fly screens, you’ve never had more freedom of choice than with Artilux. We can help you to match your existing door and window colours for a professional and seamless installation, and we won’t throw in any hidden costs. Freedom of colour is our gift to you. 

More often than not, we encourage our customers to pair their screening colours. This may mean you want to update your window and door colours, or it may mean colour matching to your existing windows and doors. We recommend this because retractable and pleated fly screens are all about reducing unnecessary bulk and clutter to your window units. 

That said, you may want to explore the world of contrast. And why not when you have access to so much colour choice? Our tip here is to remember that your preferences and tastes might change, but your Artilux fly screens are built to last. Before opting for a colour just because it’s ‘trendy’, consider whether or not your screens may outlive your colour choice. 

As we mentioned earlier, colour can serve as an architectural statement and so it’s important to give careful thought to choosing something that will impact and change the features of your long-lasting fly screens. Contrasting cold and warm colours and dark and bright shades can produce bold or subtle effects, but they should complement the style of your home and not contrast it. 

Want to learn more about what’s possible through colour choice? Talk to the team at Artilux and get inspiration from our years of experience. Get your free on-site consultation today and we can help you to visualise the finished effect. Remember, choosing Artilux for your fly screens is all about maximised personalised service, so talk to us about your unique wants and needs. 

We look forward to assessing your requirements!

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