Childproofing Your Modern Home the Stylish Way

When your children hit their milestones, it’s an exciting time. But what happens when their milestones coincide with having to protect them from all the unsafe features of a modern house? Childproofing doesn’t always have to be unsightly or disruption to the beautiful interior space you’ve created. How do you create a child-friendly environment while staying true to your style and aesthetic?

This guide explores the ways you can make sure your little ones are safe without compromising on the design of your home.

Why childproof?

Babies are inquisitive by nature. Consider you haven’t seen anything before – those cupboards, remotes, cords or appliances such as fridges and ovens; you’d want to explore too. When babies begin to discover their surroundings, it can often lead to dangerous situations. Are the medicines or cleaning products in reach? Can they turn the stove on? Could they climb up on furniture and fall? These are all questions that constantly run through a parent’s head.

Remember, there are many things that you may consider safe that are actually very appealing for little hands and can pose a very real danger to them. The key question is this: can you let your little one roam around safely and comfortably in your house without worrying that they are going to get themselves into danger?

The boring stuff

It may seem tedious but there are plenty of things you need to do to furniture and cupboards before you even consider the design of your space. When it comes to certain things, you need to prioritise practicality over preference.


Consider what your little one could grab onto and what is at their level. Appliance cords should be completely out of reach of children. If they have to be on the floor, bundle them together and consider taping them to the skirting boards or the wall so little hands can’t pry them away and little teeth can’t sink into them. Also, power outlets should be covered.

Window and doors

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Install gates where you need to – at the top and bottom of stairs, and in kitchen doorways. And look at ways to stop your windows from opening too much, especially if you live high up. There are gadgets you can get that stop your window from opening more than a few centimetres or you can install retractable fly screens or security screens on doors and windows so you can still get some air through your home without compromising the safety of your child.

Blinds and curtains

New homes actually need to have regulated blind cords that children cannot reach. They need to be fixed to the wall. However, if you are in an older home or if your cords cannot be fixed to the wall, ensure the rope is shortened so little hands can’t reach it or at least stored high up so you can adjust as needed. If you have a choice, consider installing cordless blinds or curtains.

Cupboards and bookcases

Bolt furniture such as bookcases and chests of drawers to the wall so there’s no risk of them falling on your child. Invest in some childproof drawer guards so children can’t open the drawers – open drawers can look a lot like an enticing ladder to inquisitive eyes. Grab some corner guards so there’s no chance of your child hurting him or herself on corners. And purchase some cupboard locks so you can safely store bathroom, cleaning and kitchen products away.

No need to compromise on style

Many people believe that babyproofing means ghastly gadgets and changing all the furniture. But this just isn’t the case.There are plenty of ways you can design your home to look beautiful, stylish and child-friendly.

When it comes to furniture, there are a range of alternative options that are safer for babies.

Replace coffee tables with ottomans

Coffee tables are very enticing for babies and they’re also a useful tool for them, helping them learn to pull themselves into a standing position. But they can also be quite dangerous, with corners to bump into and hard edges. Consider popping in some soft ottomans to fill the space instead. Not only are they trendy, but they are also soft for your kids and are still a handy height for them to pull themselves up.

You can also position them in a way that they are within reach of each other, giving your baby surfaces to grab onto as he or she learns to walk. If you really need a ledge to put things on such as drinks when sitting on the couch, a great solution is to move your couch slightly away from the wall and pop a console between the wall and the couch. It’s away from the children and it provides another layer to your design.

Decorative ornaments are an injury waiting to happen

Often the most beautiful pieces are also the heaviest and most expensive. And who would want little hands getting on those? But don’t despair. There are plenty of alternatives that not only look gorgeous but are also playful and safe for tiny hands to grab. Replace any heavier objects with lighter ones. Anything you want to keep on display but you don’t want kids to get hold of, put towards the back of display tables so they can’t reach them or simply put them higher up so you can see them but babies can’t.

Place furnishings strategically

Change the orientation of your furniture to guide your child the way you want them to go. For example, if you have a trunk or table that you want to keep out in the living room, place it in a spot that blocks power points or cords so your child can’t access those risky elements. You can also place the furniture in a way that still looks lovely, but keeps your baby out of important cupboards or areas. And remember to make sure they can’t reach the fireplace by placing a cover in front of it.

Stylishly soften with the right textiles

If you have hard floors, invest in some child-friendly rugs. These don’t have to be bright, cheerful, kiddy rugs. But they do have to be easily cleaned, soft to touch and durable. Putting something between your child and the hard floor is just one more way to avoid a hard knock to their body when they fall.

Modern and maintained

There are a multitude of ways you’ll need to baby proof your home. And when you actually get down on a child’s level, you’ll see just enticing the most dangerous things in your home can seem. But, this doesn’t mean you need to compromise on design. It’s all about finding the right mix of style, sophistication and safety.

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