5 Tips To Keep Rooms With Large Windows Warm

In some areas, winter is already here with freezing temperatures sweeping across us seemingly overnight. But just because it’s cold outside, doesn’t mean you can’t be warm and toasty inside. However, one of the most popular features of the classic Australian home can be fairly detrimental at this time of year. That being our preference for big, bright windows.

Windows have a big role in our homes. For the more sunny and clement parts of the year, they let the natural light flow in, provide a lovely outlook to enjoy and allow for a beautiful breeze when open. But when winter rolls around, they can also let a lot of warmth escape the property, and also, let the cold air in through the glass. But need no to despair, as we’ve got some handy tips that will help you trap the heat inside this winter, no matter your windows.

  1. Keep the curtains closed

    This one is key at night, regardless of whether you’re in the room or not. Before it gets dark, do a quick walk around the house and close all the blinds or curtains. Heat escapes through the glass window panes so by closing the blinds or curtains, you’re actually ensuring the heat stays inside. It also means that when you walk into the living room or kitchen in the morning, you won’t be hit in the face with a blast of cold air. If you need, consider putting up some temporary curtains (or even some sheets) over the doors to the outside, even if it’s just at night while you’re sleeping. You’d be amazed at what a difference that can make.

  2. Invest in some heavier curtains for winter

    According to Environment Victoria, up to 40% of the heat escaping from your home in winter is actually from uncovered windows. This is why using heavier curtains, especially if you’re in a geographical area that is prone to chilly days and nights, can work wonders. Make sure the curtains are lined and extend beyond the window frame – horizontally and vertically, meaning, all the way to the floor is best.
  3. Don’t place your heater right next to the windows

    If you’ve sealed all the gaps, popped some door snakes around the house and closed the curtains, and it’s still a tad chilly, don’t be afraid to turn on the heater. That is after all, what it’s for. However, even this requires a bit of planning in a window-heavy room. To start with, arrange your heater away from your windows – especially avoid placing one directly underneath your windows as this will just give the heat a place to waft out of the room (even with the curtains closed).

    While it’s tempting to park yourself front and centre to warm your body up, fight the temptation. You’re actually getting in the way, blocking the hot air from warming up the room properly. It’s also a good idea to get your heater serviced regularly, and to make sure it’s free from dust by cleaning the filters often. A heater that needs to work harder to warm up the room generally means it will cost you more money and take longer than it should.

  4. Search your house and fill in the gaps

    No matter how old or new your property is, there are bound to be gaps. Even the gaps between the bottom of the door and the floor can cause heat to escape. That’s where a handy ‘door snake’ can be a good asset. Keep doors closed if you’re not going to be using that room and pop the door snake at the gap. This will prevent the heat from your room, escaping into the one that isn’t being used.Go around the house and identify any points where there are cracks or gaps. These can account for, on average, 15-25% of heat loss in the home. Head to the hardware store and get whatever products you need to effectively seal these gaps.
  5. Know when and where to let the sunshine in

    Closing your windows is all well and good during the night time, but that’s not to say that there’s no benefit to letting the sun in during the day. Natural light, after all, has lots of benefits. One of those benefits is warming up a room. It’s science! When sunlight enters a room, the UV radiation passes easily through the glass, heating up the room.The important thing is to pick your time. Don’t give in and open up your house as soon as dawn comes in. In fact, on most days, don’t even open up by noon, unless it’s an unusually warm day for the winter. Instead, wait for about 2pm to 3pm to get full advantage of the warmth, without risking the cold.

    There’s a bit of an exception if the room is north-facing, as you’re more likely to be able to take advantage of the morning sun, but for those west-facing, it’s all about the afternoon sun. If your room faces south, it’s actually the opposite – consider leaving those blinds and curtains closed especially on colder days, as they won’t capture much sunlight.

There are ways to keep our homes cosy in the winter time, without even turning a heater on (although these do come in handy). By embracing some simple steps such as closing the curtains, filling the gaps and opening the blinds to let the sun naturally warm our homes during the day, we can stop the heat from escaping when we need it most.

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